Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed." John 20:29
I'm reminded of a dear friend of mine,
Bob who lives in Alabama who shared
a story with me from his life that really inspired me.
He played college football and came to a place where he really disliked football.
His children grew up and started playing little league football and at one point
the coach asked if he would assist. Bob was really hesitant to do it but he did
and their team was the worst team in the league and lost every game.
They got to their final game and it just happened to be against the best team
that had won every game they had played.
He said they practiced that week and the kids worked really hard and it
was just like a movie where the coach couldn't be there and Bob was the one
coaching. The first half of the game was just like you'd expect and their team
was getting really clobbered, 21-0. At halftime he sat with the kids and it just
came out of his mouth, "Ignore the score and run the play!
They fought their hardest and that team came within 5 seconds and one play
of winning the game. As he drove home that night the Lord spoke to him
and said,"I was talking to you Bob, ignore the score and run the play!"
The enemy is always trying to get your eyes on the scoreboard,(your
circumstances or difficulties.) He's always telling you to live by what you see
and trying to get you to believe a lie.
When I was sharing in the prison, one of the men told me that he didn't make
parole and his family is just falling apart. He said he is giving up!
I don't know where you are at in your life but I can't give up! There is nothing
for me to go back to because I've burned the bridge behind me. That doesn't
mean that I understand what God is doing but He is always working
and setting the stage to do something supernatural. We just have to trust
Him and get our eyes off of ourselves and off of our circumstances and look to
Jesus, our living hope.
When we do not trust God, it's because we don't really believe He loves us.
He not only loves us, He is orchestrating things in order to reveal His
redemptive purpose.
also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory.
Ephesians 1:11-12 NASB
Special thanks to Bob McLeod,
For more unconventional Bible study today, watch this fun video....
came out of his mouth, "Ignore the score and run the play!
They fought their hardest and that team came within 5 seconds and one play
of winning the game. As he drove home that night the Lord spoke to him
and said,"I was talking to you Bob, ignore the score and run the play!"
The enemy is always trying to get your eyes on the scoreboard,(your
circumstances or difficulties.) He's always telling you to live by what you see
and trying to get you to believe a lie.
When I was sharing in the prison, one of the men told me that he didn't make
parole and his family is just falling apart. He said he is giving up!
I don't know where you are at in your life but I can't give up! There is nothing
for me to go back to because I've burned the bridge behind me. That doesn't
mean that I understand what God is doing but He is always working
and setting the stage to do something supernatural. We just have to trust
Him and get our eyes off of ourselves and off of our circumstances and look to
Jesus, our living hope.
When we do not trust God, it's because we don't really believe He loves us.
He not only loves us, He is orchestrating things in order to reveal His
redemptive purpose.
also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory.
Ephesians 1:11-12 NASB
Special thanks to Bob McLeod,
For more unconventional Bible study today, watch this fun video....