Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.
Proverbs 4:23
I want you to know, the most precious possession you
have is your heart. Every day there are messages seeking to get root and ground
in your life.
Your mind is the gatekeeper of your heart. Lust, for make a choice when you let that into your life.
We must all
choose whether or not thoughts of anger, resentment or jealousy,
are allowed to run through our minds and even guide our decisions.
When the gatekeeper is defending your heart you will
take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. As those thoughts come
into your head you can respond with, “I don’t receive it.” Then stop thinking
about it, like changing the channel on your television set. You can replace the
negative thoughts with an encouraging scripture.
Therefore, since Christ has suffered in
the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has
suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 1st Peter 1:4
One little private thought, a resentment against
someone who really did wrong you and before you realize it, you’re chained to
years of bitterness. One day you find yourself physically ill from a stronghold of
refusing to forgive.
Or maybe you ignore an inner nudge telling you not to
share some gossip about someone. In a moment you speak careless words that
divide friends or break up relationships. You find yourself bound up in guilt,
regret and shame for using careless words.
Maybe the enemy speaks words of self condemnation or
discouragement and you receive those thoughts as your own. Suddenly you are
critical of yourself and depressed because you are receiving lies about
yourself and others. These thoughts change the course of your day and even
affect your interaction with God and with those around you.
All of a sudden the enemy brings a lustful image into
your mind and a voice says, “it’s okay, it’s just a thought...” but what it
doesn’t tell you, is that it wants to control your life.
Once you give place to the enemy, these thoughts won’t
stop showing up on the view screen of your mind. I can’t tell you how many men
have told me that they thought getting married would deal with the lusts of
their minds. They find themselves stuck in pornography even though they’re
married to good women who love them.
The powers of darkness start off by saying, “Just give
me a little place in your life,” and then all of a sudden they say, “Now I’m
here and I’m not leaving.”
That’s why Jesus said, “Guard your heart,” because
you’ve got to become active, engaged in the battle of life.
You’ve got to cry out, “Lord help me! Because the
thoughts of my mind have gone over my head.”
Ask him to help you to turn away from the lies and to
change. Spend time with the Lord in intimate communion and renew your mind with
His Word. There’s going to be falling down and getting up but God will teach
you to fight the good fight of faith.
He will teach you how to resist these wrong thoughts
and avoid temptations.
As you keep your mind stayed upon the Lord He will cause
you to think upon good things and to not allow evil thoughts in your mind.
The end result will be the true pleasures of
righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. There will be a priceless
change for the better in your life as your mind is renewed and your conscience
made clean.
do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and
acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
For further study, consider our podcast. You can stream it here-